90th Anniversary Rally

06 Aug 2024

Event main image

With eight classes including a Champagne class for beginners, which will include a marked up map but also Clubman’s instructions for you to have a go yourself, why not dip your toe in the rallying waters?  

No Buff Form? No Excuse! The Clubman and Champagne Classes are open to any pre-war car, with no requirement for an Eligibility Document to be filed. The Invited Classes are open to all Pre-56 sports cars that hold Buff Forms. The Trophy classes will provide a challenge for the more competitive teams and cars entered in these classes do need to have a Buff Form. The route will be approximately 100 miles, included in the entry fee is tea or coffee with a bacon roll at the Start and tea or coffee at Sulgrave Manor, the halfway halt.

A good quality lunch Box will be available for £8 per person, these need to be pre booked which you can do so by CLICKING HERE.

More information on the week can also be found here.

This page shows the named trophies awarded at this meeting and the associated aggregate trophies.

To see the index for all trophies click here

To see the current leaders for this year's aggregate championship click here

To see your personal results click here

Click a trophy name below to see the trophy picture and past winners.

The entry list is only available to logged in members.