Current Leaders for this years Aggregate Trophies

Shown are the top people for each aggregate trophy. .
The points are taken from the published results but drivers/cars eligibility for an award is not guaranteed by it being displayed here.
To see your personal points please Click Here
To see  top 50 driver's points for all Aggregate trophies please Click Here

These are only the interim results.

Please refer to the club monthly newsletter for the official results.
For any comments please E-mail
Image Current Leaders Previous Leaders
2024 Championship
Last Updated
25/07/2024 13:51:01
2023 Championship
Last Updated
22/01/2024 13:42:38
Last Event Included
Blyton Sprint
Last Event Included
Winter Driving Tests
Lycett Memorial    2024
Marsh (William) W.;520
Dowding (Nigel) N.;506
Cawley (Wilfred) W.A.F.;496
Blakeney-Edwards (Patrick) P.B.;374
Cawley (Dougal) D.;368
Lycett Memorial    2023
Marsh (William) W.;988
Batty (Peter) Mr P.J.;822
Boulton (Dominic) Mr D.;590
Miller (Archie) Mr A.C.M.;582
Blakeney-Edwards (Jo) Mrs J.S.;579
Proxime Accessit Trophy     2024
The competitor placed 2nd
in the Lycett Memorial Trophy
Proxime Accessit Trophy     2023
The competitor placed 2nd
in the Lycett Memorial Trophy
Lycett    2024
Marsh (William) W.;AUSTIN460
Dowding (Nigel) N.;RILEY450
Blakeney-Edwards (Jo) J.S.;FRAZER NASH366
Cawley (Wilfred) W.A.F.;GN/FORD350
Cawley (Dougal) D.;GN/FORD266
Lycett    2023
Marsh (William) W.;AUSTIN937
Boulton (Dominic) Mr D.;FORD590
Dowding (Nigel) N.;RILEY550
Batty (Peter) Mr P.J.;FORD500
Blakeney-Edwards (Jo) Mrs J.S.;FRAZER NASH453
Northern Lycett    2024
Marsh (William) W.;520
Cawley (Wilfred) W.A.F.;496
Cawley (Dougal) D.;368
Edwards (James) J.;266
Skelton (Donald) D.;238
Northern Lycett    2023
Marsh (William) W.;988
Miller (Archie) Mr A.C.M.;582
Cawley (Dougal) D.;453
Skelton (Donald) D.;453
Rich (Stewart) S.;416
Yorkshire Cup     2024
The competitor placed 2nd
in the Northern Lycett
Yorkshire Cup     2023
The competitor placed 2nd
in the Northern Lycett
Thoroughbred    2024
Hunt (Theodore) T.M.B.;616
Pryke (David) Dr D.;364
James (Michael) M.;350
Mann (Christopher) C.;298
Brett (Mark) M.A.;270
Thoroughbred    2023
Hunt (Theodore) T.M.B.;386
Bingham (Dennis) D.;378
James (Michael) M.;308
Thorp (Neil) N.;302
Brett (Mark) M.A.;280
John Rowley    2024
Marsh (William) W.;520
Cawley (Wilfred) W.A.F.;436
Daniell (George) G.;241
Miller (Archie) Mr A.C.M.;170
Bullett (Archie) A.T.B.;166
John Rowley    2023
Marsh (William) W.;988
Miller (Archie) Mr A.C.M.;582
Daniell (George) G.;390
Gunn (Fergus) Mr F.B.;343
Cawley (Wilfred) W.A.F.;279
Hillclimb    2024
Unique scoring system
Points not available
Hillclimb    2023
Unique scoring system
Points not available
Historic Racing    2024
James (Michael) M.;308
Baxter (Ian) I.R.;179
Seber (Anthony) A.J.;154
Voigt (Tammo) Dipl.-Ing. T.;140
Elder (Mark) M.C.;119
Historic Racing    2023
Baxter (Ian) I.R.;434
Burgess (Edmund) E.W.;357
James (Michael) M.;287
Pryke (David) Dr D.;252
Grimwade (Julian) J.;168
Inter Marque    2024
Inter Marque    2023
1500    2024
Marsh (William) W.;AUSTIN460
Dowding (Nigel) N.;RILEY450
Blakeney-Edwards (Jo) J.S.;FRAZER NASH366
Blakeney-Edwards (Patrick) P.B.;FRAZER NASH238
Skelton (Donald) D.;AUSTIN238
1500    2023
Marsh (William) W.;AUSTIN927
Dowding (Nigel) N.;RILEY550
Blakeney-Edwards (Jo) Mrs J.S.;FRAZER NASH443
Kite (Peter) P.;GN434
Blakeney-Edwards (Patrick) P.B.;FRAZER NASH425
Alvis    2024
Fyfe (Ian) Dr I.S.;126
Irving (William) W.G.;91
Wilkinson (Dick) R.D.B.;80
Hayward (Mark) M.;80
Edwards (Jeffrey) J.W.;70
Farman (Jonathan (Jake)) J.H.A.;70
Alvis    2023
Irving (William) W.G.;175
Hirst (Trevor) T.J.;168
Farman (Jonathan (Jake)) J.H.A.;132
Edwards (Jeffrey) J.W.;112
Fyfe (Ian) Dr I.S.;105
Coppa Cantonata    2024
Pilkington (Alex) Ms A.;90
Moody (Adam) A.;51
Coppa Cantonata    2023
Pilkington (Alex) Ms A.;190
Coventry    2024
James (Michael) M.;518
Dowding (Nigel) N.;506
Standing (Ian) I.;266
Renner (William) Mr W.;224
Smethurst (Matthew) M.N.;204
Coventry    2023
James (Michael) M.;595
Dowding (Nigel) N.;550
Bingham (Dennis) D.;378
Stamper (Tim) T.J.;322
Smethurst (Matthew) M.N.;272
David Payne Memorial    2024
Uses Marshalling scoring system.
Points available in newsletter.
David Payne Memorial    2023
Uses Marshalling scoring system.
Points available in newsletter.
Delaney Brooklands    2024
Garland (Elysia) E.M.T.;98
White (Graham) R.G.;60
Brewster (Jeremy) J.C.T.;51
Delaney (Lucy) L.K.;34
Johnson (Dennis) D.;30
Delaney Brooklands    2023
Bowyer (Simon) S.I.;189
Pallett (Michael) M.;136
Garland (Elysia) E.M.T.;105
Poynter (Colin) C.J.;68
Delaney (Geoffrey) G.L.;43
Delaney (Lucy) L.K.;43
Don Grose    2024
Uses Marshalling scoring system.
Points available in newsletter.
Don Grose    2023
Uses Marshalling scoring system.
Points available in newsletter.
Edwardian    2024
Lloyd (Andy) A.;100
Roberts (Luke) L.C.W.;80
Crook (Christopher) C.R.A.;80
Collings (Archie) A.N.;80
Howe-Davies (Andrew) A.A.;56
Bullett (Archie) A.T.B.;56
Edwardian    2023
Miller (Archie) Mr A.C.M.;260
Seymour-Smith (Ian) I.;112
Howe-Davies (Andrew) A.A.;106
Flann (Jeremy) J.;98
Jones (David) D.M.;85
ERA    2024
Gillies (Mark) M.A.;70
Topliss (Nicholas) N.J.;68
Baker (Bradley) B.;63
Wilton (Julian) J.;52
Ricketts (Duncan) D.;51
ERA    2023
Fidler (Ben) B.P.;130
Ellison (David) D.J.;102
Topliss (Nicholas) N.J.;68
Wilton (Julian) J.;60
Baker (Bradley) B.;42
Frost Trials    2024
Bowyer (Simon) S.I.;1520
Stollery (Joseph) J.A.;1477
New (Michael) M.R.;1338
Bowyer (Charlotte) Miss C.;1327
Holden (Jeremy) Mr J.G.;1292
Frost Trials    2023
Baxter (Richard) Mr R.S.;1660
Bowyer (Charlotte) Miss C.;1650
Boulton (Dominic) Mr D.;1506
Saxl (David) D.;1339
Crook (Christopher) C.R.A.;1185
Hagerty Trials    2024
Kite (Peter) P.;1919
Skelton (Donald) D.;1912
Price (Simon) S.E.;1864
Price (Matt) M.E.;1844
Rich (Stewart) S.;1713
Hagerty Trials    2023
Price (Simon) S.E.;2079
Batty (Peter) Mr P.J.;2018
Skelton (Donald) D.;2013
Kite (Peter) P.;1901
Bingham (Dennis) D.;1899
Heal Sunbeam    2024
Crook (Christopher) C.R.A.;80
Mallya (Vijay) Dr V.;69
Britnell (Tim) T.J.C.;60
McWilliam (Craig) C.D.;30
Hickling (Hicky) R.K.;20
Baker (Paul) P.R.;20
Heal Sunbeam    2023
Britnell (Tim) T.J.C.;60
Wignall (Jayne) Mrs J.;34
Hickling (Hicky) R.K.;20
Crook (Christopher) C.R.A.;20
Mallya (Vijay) Dr V.;14
HWM    2024
Points not available or
No Qualifying Event
HWM    2023
Nuthall (Oliver) C.;21
Milligan (Spike) M.P.;20
Phillips (Christopher) C.J.;14
Jack Barclay    2024
Rivett (Brian) B.A.;42
Jack Barclay    2023
McRobert (David) D.;28
Allen (Steve) S.R.;21
Petch (Christopher Harold H) C.H.M.;21
Jack Burn    2024
Apthorp (Hugh) H.D.;105
Fox (Lewis) Mr L.C.F.;84
McConachie (Neil);78
Morley (Clive) Mr C.P.;63
Collings (Archie) A.N.;56
Jack Burn    2023
Llewellyn (Oliver) O.;168
Littlewood (Alistair) A.M.;114
Trentham (Martin) M.J.;102
Little (Peter) P.;77
Williams (Edward) E.;72
Jim Adams    2024
Uses Marshalling scoring system.
Points available in newsletter.
Jim Adams    2023
Uses Marshalling scoring system.
Points available in newsletter.
Kane    2024
Giles (Jon) J.E.;210
Darbyshire (Sue) Mrs S.;204
Renner (William) Mr W.;182
Wiseman (Richard) R.C.;170
Lupton (Jonathan) J.;154
Kane    2023
Richardson (Thomas) T.L.;280
Drewitt (Bob) R.H.;210
Clare (Gary) G.A.;210
Wiseman (Richard) R.C.;200
Darbyshire (Sue) Mrs S.;196
Keiller    2024
Wiseman (Richard) R.C.;170
Gillett (Charles) C.R.E.;60
Williams (Bo) B.;60
Halusa (Lukas) L.;60
Bailey (Jonathan) J.;56
Pearce (Will) W.E.R.;56
Keiller    2023
Burgess (Edmund) E.W.;357
Wiseman (Richard) R.C.;200
Gillett (Charles) C.R.E.;170
Hudson (Chris) C.J.;110
Ng (Yushan) Y.;100
Ladies    2024
Blakeney-Edwards (Jo) J.S.;387
Darbyshire (Sue) Mrs S.;204
Smith (Rebecca) R.E.;119
Walker (India) Miss I.;112
Furnell-Williams (Claire) Mrs C.C.;70
Kelleway (Sara) Mrs S.;70
Ladies    2023
Blakeney-Edwards (Jo) Mrs J.S.;569
Foster (Sarah) Mrs S.;220
Darbyshire (Sue) Mrs S.;196
Wolstenholme (Julia) Mrs J.M.;187
Sly (Vicki) Mrs V.;170
Leinster    2024
McVicker (William) W.D.;26
Leinster    2023
McVicker (William) W.D.;128
Corry (Simon) S.B.H.;70
Johnson (Angus) A.M.;68
Johnson (Patrick) P.A.;28
Bennett (Nicholas) N.F.;26
Johnson (Andy) M.A.;26
Light Car    2024
Points not available or
No Qualifying Event
Light Car    2023
Points not available or
No Qualifying Event
Longstone Tyres Vintage Racing    2024
Unique scoring system
Points not available
Longstone Tyres Vintage Racing    2023
Unique scoring system
Points not available
Marc Birkigt    2024
Lloyd (Andy) A.;CHALMERS100
Roberts (Luke) L.C.W.;BIANCHI80
Collings (Archie) A.N.;MERCEDES80
Maeers (Justin) C.J.;GN70
Maeers (Ben) C.B.;GN70
Marc Birkigt    2023
Richardson (Thomas) T.L.;GN280
Llewellyn (Oliver) O.;BENTLEY168
Walker (Tom) T.;AMILCAR98
Flann (Jeremy) J.;CURTISS LE ZEBRE98
Tuluie (Robin) Dr R.;RILEY MENASCO98
Metallurgique    2024
Collings (Archie) A.N.;MERCEDES80
Walker (Tom) T.;AMILCAR42
Walker (Mark) M.;DARRACQ30
Lees (Tony) A.E.J.;VAUXHALL14
Metallurgique    2023
Walker (Tom) T.;AMILCAR98
Collings (Ben) B.J.A.;MERCEDES80
Collings (Roger) R.A.;MERCEDES60
Lees (Tony) A.E.J.;VAUXHALL56
Milan    2024
Points not available or
No Qualifying Event
Milan    2023
Points not available or
No Qualifying Event
Motor Sport Brooklands    2024
Unique scoring system
Points not available
Motor Sport Brooklands    2023
Unique scoring system
Points not available
Navigators    2024
Wood (Duncan) D.R.;110
Rhodes (Robert) R.D.;77
Tongue (Andrew) A.G.;76
Dobinson (Ian) I.;70
Cawley (Wilfred) W.A.F.;60
Britnell (David) D.;60
Navigators    2023
Jones (Annabel) Miss A.M.;164
Dobinson (Ian) I.;132
Wood (Duncan) D.R.;110
Rhodes (Robert) R.D.;100
Patten (Dick) Dr R.B.;81
Peter Sims    2024
Lupton (Jonathan) J.;154
Bradley (Edward) E.L.;120
Braun (Richard) Mr ;70
Lake (William) W.G.L.;60
Blakemore (Robert) R.P.;52
Peter Sims    2023
Lupton (Jonathan) J.;146
Ozanne (Thomas) T.;104
Bradley (Edward) E.L.;90
Wood (Tom) Mr T.H.P.;56
Lake (Richard) R.;52
Phipps    2024
Hunt (Theodore) T.M.B.;84
Owen (Geraint) G.W.;56
Brazell (David) D.K.;56
Hunt (Martin) The Hon M.J.;56
Harper (Frederick) F.W.;56
Martin (Charlie) C.;56
Phipps    2023
Martin (Charlie) C.;126
Hunt (Martin) The Hon M.J.;112
Cobb (Jonathan) J.A.;98
Harper (Frederick) F.W.;84
Milligan (Spike) M.P.;80
Rally Drivers    2024
Dodds (Peter) P.;110
Tushingham (Roger) R.;110
Ellis (Robert) R.F.;77
Colledge (Harry) H.C.;76
Farman (Jonathan (Jake)) J.H.A.;70
Rally Drivers    2023
Farman (Jonathan (Jake)) J.H.A.;132
Chatto (Derek) D.V.C.;130
Dodds (Peter) P.;110
Wright (Nick) N.M.;100
Mortimer (Andrew) A.R.;81
Rusty Russ Turner    2024
Unique scoring system
Points not available
Rusty Russ Turner    2023
Unique scoring system
Points not available
Tony Jones    2024
Smethurst (Matthew) M.N.;204
Marsh (William) W.;136
Pryke (David) Dr D.;126
Wallom (David) Prof D.C.H.;98
Boulton (Dominic) Mr D.;96
Tony Jones    2023
Smethurst (Matthew) M.N.;272
Wallom (David) Prof D.C.H.;252
Batty (Peter) Mr P.J.;210
Boulton (Dominic) Mr D.;180
Marsh (William) W.;170