Exmoor Fringe Trial

18 Feb 2012

Anchor Inn, Exebridge, Dulverton, Somerset TA22 9AZ

Event main image
The 2012 trials season starts in earnest with a trip down south to an event blessed with beautiful countryside and more than capable organisers. The traditional hills will once again be used, taking competitors to a variety of sections incorporating a combination of forestry, muddy fields and moor-land sections, which are sure to provide a fun challenge for all of those taking part. Competitors are treated to breath-taking scenery on the roads between the hills, allowing for a wonderful and relaxing days motorsport for all those involved. So why not wrap up warm, pack your thermal socks and head south for the 21st edition of this classic VSCC trial?
Spectator Information

Please send a SAE to Graham White, Oakford Lea, North Molton, North Devon EX38 3HN for details of spectator hills. Do not expect to receive your information until one week before the trial.

Please note not all Trials Sections are suitable for Spectators. You must follow Marshals' Instructions at all times.
Entry Fee £63

Opening Date for Entries Entries are now closed for this event

NB Competitors are reminded of the new regulation for 2012 that it is now mandatory for all competitors to carry a small spill kit. This kit must consist of absorbent pads and/or granular absorbent material capable of dealing with spillages up to 1.25 litres capacity.

These can be purchased from www.demon-tweeks.co.uk for a cost of £6.29
Exebridge is north west off the A396 Tiverton to Minehead road on the B3222.
Tiverton Tourist Information, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton, Devon EX16 6LU, Public Enquiries 01884 255827, Fax 01884 257594, Email tivertintic@btconnect.com
Please volunteer to Ian Horsnell by emailing i.k.horsnell@btopenworld.com or calling 01769 574803

The entry list is only available to logged in members.