VSCC return to the Scottish Borders for Touring Assembly in June

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Following the success of last year’s inaugural event, the VSCC will again host a tour of the beautiful upper Tweed Valley, Abbotsford and Lauderdale in the Scottish Borders for Club Members on Saturday 14 June.
As last year, the tour will be based on the Philipburn Country Hotel, TD7 5LS, outside Selkirk, covering around one hundred miles in a ‘figure of eight’ route with the start and finish at the hotel. The lunch break will be at Abbotsford, home of Sir Walter Scott, when a tour of the recently restored house and walled garden will be available after lunch. Half the route will be to the north west of Selkirk and include Tweedsmuir and the Megget Reservoir, while the north-eastern half will explore Lauderdale. Cars will be despatched alternating between the two routes so that all participants meet up for lunch and then complete the remainder of the route in the afternoon.

The run will be totally non-competitive and easy to follow navigational instructions will be given in a comprehensive Route Book. The Entry Fee of £25.00 will include tea and coffee at the start and finish, provided by the hotel, with lunch (soup, cold buffet, drink) at Abbotsford at £15.00 per person, payable in advance with the Entry Fee. Conducted tours of Abbotsford House and/or its famous gardens will be available after lunch. There will be a ‘Tour Dinner’ in the evening at the Philipburn Country Hotel, at £25.00 per person for three courses.

The Tour is open to all cars made before 1 January 1941 (no Buff Form required) and the route will include some of the best ‘Vintage’ driving in the country with open roads, spectacular views of the River Tweed and the Eildon Hills, and with little but courteous traffic. The Tour provides the opportunity to learn more about the three literary giants of the Scottish Borders, Sir Walter Scott, James Hogg (the Ettrick Shepherd) and John Buchan, of ‘The 39-Steps’ and other novels fame.

Entries are now open. Download an Entry Form or enter online at the Event Page (CLICK HERE). Members will need to have a payment card registered with the Club and have a Buff Form number for the car they wish to enter to use the online facility; otherwise, please print an Entry Form to complete and return to the VSCC Office (post/fax/email accepted).

Entrants choosing to use the event as the basis of a weekend in the Scottish Borders can stay at the Philipburn County Hotel – a ‘Best Western’ Hotel – at a special B&B rate on either Friday, Saturday or both nights. Details of all the hotels and B&B accommodation in the Scottish Borders can be seen on
For entrants coming from England, access to Selkirk is easy up the A7 from the top of the M6 or along the A69 and then the A68 through Carter Bar from the A1 at Newcastle.

For further details please contact organiser Alisdaire Lockhart on 01750 22155 or