Price rises at the VSCC!

Tuesday 15 October 2019

The 80th VSCC Welsh Trial at Presteigne last weekend was a somewhat challenging affair!

Conditions leading up to the weekend had deteriorated to the point that even the most experienced of trialists struggled to make an impact on their ‘usually expected’ high scoring.

A full entry list of brave VSCC members, and their co-pil
ots, headed off one by one full of enthusiasm expected from vintage motoring adventure junkies.

Simon Price clearly relished the challenge, rising from the boggy depths of hills such as ‘Badlands’ to claim the Harry Bowler Memorial Trophy in his 3.3litre, 1930 Ford Model A Special with a total of 410 points.
Other notable results were:
Gareth Graham winning ‘The Presteigne Trophy’ in his 1925 Bentley 3-4.5 litre.                       
Lady Louisa Collings winning ‘The Smatcher Trophy’ in her 1930 Austin 7 Ulster Replica and 14-year-old Archibald Collings taking ‘The Judges Gavel’ awarded to the best youngster.
