VSCC Bulletin Editor

Monday 21 October 2019

The President and Committee of the VSCC are delighted to announce the appointment of Matthew Bell as 13th Editor of The Bulletin, the Club’s quarterly magazine.
Matthew, 37, is a professional journalist who has worked for several national newspapers including The Times, Daily Telegraph, Independent and Daily Mail, though he may be better known to Members as a contributor to The Automobile.

He grew up in an active VSCC family and is a regular Competitor in Club Rallies and Driving Tests, having campaigned a 1926 AC Royal, an Edwardian Buick and the family Austin 7.

He says: “It is a tremendous honour to be entrusted with The Bulletin, that quarterly burst of pleasure which, at its best, is a distillation of what the Club is all about: having fun with old cars. I spent my childhood pouring over photos of legendary VSCC figures racing or trialling their cars, which made me dream of one day winning the Lycett Cup. That remains firmly in the realm of fantasy, but to be the person now putting The Bulletin together really is a dream come true. I hope The Bulletin will continue to inspire future generations of this great Club to carry on getting out there and enjoying their cars.”

Club President Jenny Lees says: “It is a great pleasure to officially welcome Matthew as our new Bulletin Editor. The process of choosing the new incumbent has been long and thorough and I know we have the right man for the job. I am looking forward to reading more of Matthew’s Bulletins as he continues our long history of notable Editors.”

The photograph shows Matthew at the Measham Night Rally in January 2019.
Credit: Motorsport-Imagery
M Bell