Meet Our Marshals: Rachel Bolton-King

Friday 01 June 2018

The Marshals are some of the most important people at VSCC events – without them, we simply wouldn’t be able to run! We're excited to introduce you to some of our fantastic marshals from our Meet Our Marshals programme feature. We spoke to Rachel Bolton-King about why she loves Marshalling...
How did you get involved with the VSCC?
My parents (mainly my Dad!) have been into Pre-war cars since before I was born. They bought their first car in bits from the Rushton family. I therefore grew up with going to VSCC events sporadically through my life, although we mainly attended MG Car Club events. I started getting more involved with the VSCC when I was  invited to compete in the Trials as the bouncer in David Rushton’s MG M Type. Not long later I bought my own M Type and started competing in the Driving Tests too.

How long have you been Marshalling?
I can’t believe it, but it has now been 8 years! My first Marshalling event was at Donington Park helping Norma Carr sign on the Media for VSCC SeeRed in 2010.

Why did you start Marshalling?
Whenever I came to any car events I would take photographs and support my Dad; I always needed to be doing something and could never sit still! Once I started competing I got to know some of the other Members and Competitors, instantly wanting to be more involved with Race and Speed events that I didn’t currently compete in. How could I be kept busy, meet new people and still be surrounded by amazing machines with the occasional whiff of Castrol R? Marshalling! After one event Jim Wood snapped me up and I did my next VSCC Race event with his startline team!

What’s your favourite aspect about Marshalling with the Club?
The people! Everyone is just so lovely! Although I grew up with ‘old’ cars, we were not a core VSCC family so I didn’t know many people initially. I got to know some more when I started to compete, but Marshalling was the best way for me to meet so many lovely people, some of whom are amongst my closest friends and one is even my other half. I love getting up at the crack of dawn to travel all over the country with this crazy Club, knowing I will see my fellow Marshals, Competitors and their families.

Describe Marshalling in 3 words?
Fun, rewarding, active.

Why should others get involved in Marshalling?
Because it is so much better than being a Spectator and you get to see what goes into events from a totally different perspective! You get to be involved with the cars and the drivers in whatever kind of event, be it feeling the vibrations, sound and smell from cars racing past you, seeing the determination, effort and planning on competitors’ faces when they are trying to get up a muddy hill or at the end of the day seeing everyone’s smiley happy faces, knowing that you played a small part in making their day great. I love Marshalling, probably more than competing, and I encourage everyone to have a go, have some fun, put something back into their Club and meet some thoroughly lovely people! There is a job for everyone and we will help you find the role that suits you best.

Photo: Rhiannon Carvell-Crook
Rhiannon Carvell-Crook