Welsh Trial News
Monday 04 October 2021
The current fuel crisis has led to extensive discussions over the weekend regarding the running of this week’s Welsh Trial. As things currently stand, we can confirm that it goes ahead - we are only just returning to running events without restriction, much to the pleasure of our members, we should only be considering walking away from one of our most popular and well-patronised occasions if the situation is truly critical, and we are putting the good name of the Club at risk. We believe we can operate under these conditions, however, we need to acknowledge the exceptional circumstances, and propose the following to ensure the event goes ahead.
We will abandon the filter points, thereby allowing competitors to trailer their cars to Presteigne without committing to additional miles. We ask that, if possible, competitors arrive with sufficient fuel to complete the trial. Obviously there is a petrol station in the town, however this should be prioritised for the locals, and we would ask that, in the event of queueing, members allow them to serve themselves first. At this stage, it is not known if the garage will have fuel.
Our main concern is that sufficient marshals are able to make the trip to Presteigne. In the event of no-shows we may have to consider removing certain sections to ensure the trial's safe running, and we ask for competitors’ understanding should this be necessary.
The MCC held a successful trial last weekend, when the supply situation was arguably worse. Our local volunteers under Paul Tebbett have also worked tirelessly to prepare for one of the year’s motoring highlights. As things currently stand, the position appears to be improving, although we have to assume that the problems will still be evident by the weekend. By observing these measures we feel confident of running the event whilst being respectful to the local community.