Brooklands Double Twelve Speed Trials
18 Jun 2016
Mercedes-Benz World, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0SL

Entries are now open for the 2016 Brooklands Double Twelve Motorsport Festival, organized by Brooklands Museum and the Vintage Sports-Car Club.
The well-established format of three separate competitive events (Speed Trials, Driving Tests and Concours d’Élégance) held over two days, with aggregate scores from any two going towards overall Double Twelve awards, continues. But the status of the Concours is raised this year with its own full awards and the inclusion of a special “Anything Silver” class in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the official opening of the Museum in 1991.
In true Brooklands tradition, the Double Twelve Motorsport Festival will be held on the weekend closest to the date the original track opened in 1907, which this year is 18 and 19 June.
The three stand-alone competitive events are:
• The Double Twelve Speed Trials (Sprint) on the Mercedes-Benz World Circuit on Saturday
• The Double Twelve Concours held at the Museum across both days
• The Double Twelve Driving Tests on both sites on Sunday
The structure of the competitions allows entrants to choose which elements best suit them and their vehicle across both days making full use of the historic terrain at Brooklands and the circuit at neighbouring venue Mercedes-Benz World. For the first time this year, all three competitions will have their own individual awards, in addition to the aggregate trophies – hitherto, the Concours results have only been recognized as an element of the aggregate awards.
The classes within each competition are structured to give all ages of car from veterans to 1970s classics, and all types from nimble sports cars and thoroughbred racers to stately tourers, an equal chance of picking up an award, making this a very inclusive weekend for competitors, and an enthralling one for spectators.
Saturday’s Speed Trials are essentially for Pre-war cars (but do include an Invited class for 1950s Sports Cars) and this year will form a round of the VSCC’s inaugural MSA-registered Speed Championship; the Driving Tests and Concours are open to vehicles up to the 1970s, and include classes for vehicles of a type that could have raced at Brooklands had the track re-opened after World War Two, such as Jaguar XK120s and AC Cobras.
The special “Anything Silver” class for the Concours, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the official opening of Brooklands Museum to the public in 1991, caters not only for cars with silver-painted or polished aluminium coachwork, but also those with “silver” in their model names, such as Rolls-Royce Silver Ghosts. Other notable classes in the other competitions include one for that perennial favourite, the aeroplane-engined Edwardian car, in the Speed Trials, alongside those for standard and modified sports-cars of differing eras.
Each event will have its own class and overall winners, but to qualify for a Brooklands Double Twelve award, an entrant must compete in any two of the three events and the combined scores of these will decide their Double Twelve placing.
All the up-to-date Festival information can be found on the Double Twelve button at www.brooklandsmuseum.com. Entrants are offered the exclusive use of a hospitality area in the charming, period splendor of the Edwardian Clubhouse, the chance to drive on motoring ‘hallowed ground’ and when competing, will be in the capable hands of the VSCC and Brooklands Marshals.
In addition to the competitive events, there is a list of other attractions throughout the weekend. The Vintage Mobile Cinema will be in attendance, showing period Brooklands films and news reel footage during both days, the Test Hill Challenge will be running on both days, providing much merriment as it invites practically anything on wheels (or legs) to reach the summit of that most famous peak, with Sunday lunchtime seeing a cavalcade of vehicles on the Mercedes-Benz World circuit.
Many Car Clubs will be coming along to showcase their cars, and the Sinclair C5s will be back. The weekend will culminate in the prize-giving ceremony in the main Paddock on the Sunday. For spectators, a day ticket gives access to all areas on both sites, Paddock and grandstand views along with the Museums exhibits, collections and facilities.
Further information about the competitive events and the Test Hill Challenge, please contact Steve Castle, Head of Track & Air Events at the Museum at stevecastle@brooklandsmuseum.com or call 01932 857381 ext 244 or the VSCC Competitions Department at comps@vscc.co.uk or call 01608 644777 Ext 4.
Download the 2016 Double Twelve Festival Entry Information pack via the link below, which includes an Entry Form to print, complete and return to the VSCC Office (post/email/fax accepted), allowing you to enter your car for any two of the three competitive events on one form.
Alternatively, VSCC Members can enter online for each of the individual events via the 'Enter Event' tab above or at the relevant event page link below (remember you will need to know the Buff Form number of the car you wish to enter and have a current payment card registered with the Club to use the online entry facility):
CLICK HERE for the Double Twelve Driving Tests event page
CLICK HERE for the Double Twelve Concours event page
The 2016 Double Twelve Speed Trials
Class 1 Standard & Modified Sports-Cars and Saloon cars up to 750cc unsupercharged.
Class 2 Standard & Modified Sports-Cars and Saloon cars 751-1100cc unsupercharged, and up to 750 cc supercharged.
Class 3 Standard & Modified Sports-Cars and Saloon cars* 1101-1500cc unsupercharged and up to 1100cc supercharged.
Class 4 Standard & Modified Sports-Cars and Saloon cars 1501-2000cc unsupercharged and up to 1500cc supercharged.
Class 5 Standard & Modified Sports-Cars and Saloon cars 2001-3000cc unsupercharged and up to 2000cc supercharged.
Class 6 Standard & Modified Sports-Cars and Saloon cars over 3000cc unsupercharged and over 2000cc supercharged.
Class 7 Edwardian automobile-engined Cars.
Class 8 Special Sports-Cars and Saloon cars up to 1100cc, unsupercharged and up to 750 cc supercharged.
Class 9 Special Sports-Cars and Saloon cars 1101-1500cc unsupercharged and up to 1100cc supercharged.
Class 10 Special Sports-Cars and Saloon cars 1501-3000cc unsupercharged and up to 2250cc supercharged.
Class 11 Special Sports-Cars and Saloon cars over 3000cc unsupercharged and over 2250cc supercharged.
Class 12 Non automobile-engined Edwardian Cars.
Class 13 Pre-1941 Racing Cars up to 1100cc
Class 14 Pre-1941 Racing Cars 1101-1500cc
Class 15 Pre-1941 Racing Cars 1501-3000cc
Class 16 Pre-1941 Racing Cars over 3000cc.
Class 17 Invited 1950s Sports Cars
Class 18 Invited cars not complying with above classes.
The 2016 Double Twelve Driving Tests
Class 1 Veteran & Edwardian Cars
Class 2 Pre-war Touring Cars
Class 3 Pre-war Sports-Cars
Class 4 Pre-war Cyclecars & ‘Oddities’
Class 5 Post-war Short Wheelbase Sports-Cars (Under 7’0”)
Class 6 Post-war Short Wheelbase Saloons (Under 7’6”)
Class 7 Post-war Mid-length Wheelbase Sport-Cars (7’00” to 8’00”)*
Class 8 Post-war Mid-length Wheelbase Saloons (7’6” to 8’6”)
Class 9 Post-war Long Wheelbase Sports-Cars (over 8’)
Class 10 Post-war Long Wheelbase Saloons (over 8’6”)
The 2016 Double Twelve Concours
Class A 'The Grand Tour' Pre-War (touring cars from 1918-1939)
Class B 'The Grand Tour' Post-War (touring cars from 1945-1965)
Class C The Great War Remembered (Veteran and Edwardian cars to 1918)
Class D Historic Brooklands Vintage Sports-Cars (cars with actual Brooklands competition history)
Class E Historic Brooklands Post-Vintage Thoroughbred Cars (cars with actual Brooklands competition history)
Class F Spirit of Brooklands Pre-War (cars of the Brooklands era without specific Brooklands history)
Class G Spirit of Brooklands Post-war (cars that might have raced at Brooklands 1945-1975)
Class H ‘All Things Silver’ – A Celebration of 25 Years of Brooklands Museum
The well-established format of three separate competitive events (Speed Trials, Driving Tests and Concours d’Élégance) held over two days, with aggregate scores from any two going towards overall Double Twelve awards, continues. But the status of the Concours is raised this year with its own full awards and the inclusion of a special “Anything Silver” class in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the official opening of the Museum in 1991.
In true Brooklands tradition, the Double Twelve Motorsport Festival will be held on the weekend closest to the date the original track opened in 1907, which this year is 18 and 19 June.
The three stand-alone competitive events are:
• The Double Twelve Speed Trials (Sprint) on the Mercedes-Benz World Circuit on Saturday
• The Double Twelve Concours held at the Museum across both days
• The Double Twelve Driving Tests on both sites on Sunday
The structure of the competitions allows entrants to choose which elements best suit them and their vehicle across both days making full use of the historic terrain at Brooklands and the circuit at neighbouring venue Mercedes-Benz World. For the first time this year, all three competitions will have their own individual awards, in addition to the aggregate trophies – hitherto, the Concours results have only been recognized as an element of the aggregate awards.
The classes within each competition are structured to give all ages of car from veterans to 1970s classics, and all types from nimble sports cars and thoroughbred racers to stately tourers, an equal chance of picking up an award, making this a very inclusive weekend for competitors, and an enthralling one for spectators.
Saturday’s Speed Trials are essentially for Pre-war cars (but do include an Invited class for 1950s Sports Cars) and this year will form a round of the VSCC’s inaugural MSA-registered Speed Championship; the Driving Tests and Concours are open to vehicles up to the 1970s, and include classes for vehicles of a type that could have raced at Brooklands had the track re-opened after World War Two, such as Jaguar XK120s and AC Cobras.
The special “Anything Silver” class for the Concours, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the official opening of Brooklands Museum to the public in 1991, caters not only for cars with silver-painted or polished aluminium coachwork, but also those with “silver” in their model names, such as Rolls-Royce Silver Ghosts. Other notable classes in the other competitions include one for that perennial favourite, the aeroplane-engined Edwardian car, in the Speed Trials, alongside those for standard and modified sports-cars of differing eras.
Each event will have its own class and overall winners, but to qualify for a Brooklands Double Twelve award, an entrant must compete in any two of the three events and the combined scores of these will decide their Double Twelve placing.
All the up-to-date Festival information can be found on the Double Twelve button at www.brooklandsmuseum.com. Entrants are offered the exclusive use of a hospitality area in the charming, period splendor of the Edwardian Clubhouse, the chance to drive on motoring ‘hallowed ground’ and when competing, will be in the capable hands of the VSCC and Brooklands Marshals.
In addition to the competitive events, there is a list of other attractions throughout the weekend. The Vintage Mobile Cinema will be in attendance, showing period Brooklands films and news reel footage during both days, the Test Hill Challenge will be running on both days, providing much merriment as it invites practically anything on wheels (or legs) to reach the summit of that most famous peak, with Sunday lunchtime seeing a cavalcade of vehicles on the Mercedes-Benz World circuit.
Many Car Clubs will be coming along to showcase their cars, and the Sinclair C5s will be back. The weekend will culminate in the prize-giving ceremony in the main Paddock on the Sunday. For spectators, a day ticket gives access to all areas on both sites, Paddock and grandstand views along with the Museums exhibits, collections and facilities.
Further information about the competitive events and the Test Hill Challenge, please contact Steve Castle, Head of Track & Air Events at the Museum at stevecastle@brooklandsmuseum.com or call 01932 857381 ext 244 or the VSCC Competitions Department at comps@vscc.co.uk or call 01608 644777 Ext 4.
Download the 2016 Double Twelve Festival Entry Information pack via the link below, which includes an Entry Form to print, complete and return to the VSCC Office (post/email/fax accepted), allowing you to enter your car for any two of the three competitive events on one form.
Alternatively, VSCC Members can enter online for each of the individual events via the 'Enter Event' tab above or at the relevant event page link below (remember you will need to know the Buff Form number of the car you wish to enter and have a current payment card registered with the Club to use the online entry facility):
CLICK HERE for the Double Twelve Driving Tests event page
CLICK HERE for the Double Twelve Concours event page
The 2016 Double Twelve Speed Trials
Class 1 Standard & Modified Sports-Cars and Saloon cars up to 750cc unsupercharged.
Class 2 Standard & Modified Sports-Cars and Saloon cars 751-1100cc unsupercharged, and up to 750 cc supercharged.
Class 3 Standard & Modified Sports-Cars and Saloon cars* 1101-1500cc unsupercharged and up to 1100cc supercharged.
Class 4 Standard & Modified Sports-Cars and Saloon cars 1501-2000cc unsupercharged and up to 1500cc supercharged.
Class 5 Standard & Modified Sports-Cars and Saloon cars 2001-3000cc unsupercharged and up to 2000cc supercharged.
Class 6 Standard & Modified Sports-Cars and Saloon cars over 3000cc unsupercharged and over 2000cc supercharged.
Class 7 Edwardian automobile-engined Cars.
Class 8 Special Sports-Cars and Saloon cars up to 1100cc, unsupercharged and up to 750 cc supercharged.
Class 9 Special Sports-Cars and Saloon cars 1101-1500cc unsupercharged and up to 1100cc supercharged.
Class 10 Special Sports-Cars and Saloon cars 1501-3000cc unsupercharged and up to 2250cc supercharged.
Class 11 Special Sports-Cars and Saloon cars over 3000cc unsupercharged and over 2250cc supercharged.
Class 12 Non automobile-engined Edwardian Cars.
Class 13 Pre-1941 Racing Cars up to 1100cc
Class 14 Pre-1941 Racing Cars 1101-1500cc
Class 15 Pre-1941 Racing Cars 1501-3000cc
Class 16 Pre-1941 Racing Cars over 3000cc.
Class 17 Invited 1950s Sports Cars
Class 18 Invited cars not complying with above classes.
The 2016 Double Twelve Driving Tests
Class 1 Veteran & Edwardian Cars
Class 2 Pre-war Touring Cars
Class 3 Pre-war Sports-Cars
Class 4 Pre-war Cyclecars & ‘Oddities’
Class 5 Post-war Short Wheelbase Sports-Cars (Under 7’0”)
Class 6 Post-war Short Wheelbase Saloons (Under 7’6”)
Class 7 Post-war Mid-length Wheelbase Sport-Cars (7’00” to 8’00”)*
Class 8 Post-war Mid-length Wheelbase Saloons (7’6” to 8’6”)
Class 9 Post-war Long Wheelbase Sports-Cars (over 8’)
Class 10 Post-war Long Wheelbase Saloons (over 8’6”)
The 2016 Double Twelve Concours
Class A 'The Grand Tour' Pre-War (touring cars from 1918-1939)
Class B 'The Grand Tour' Post-War (touring cars from 1945-1965)
Class C The Great War Remembered (Veteran and Edwardian cars to 1918)
Class D Historic Brooklands Vintage Sports-Cars (cars with actual Brooklands competition history)
Class E Historic Brooklands Post-Vintage Thoroughbred Cars (cars with actual Brooklands competition history)
Class F Spirit of Brooklands Pre-War (cars of the Brooklands era without specific Brooklands history)
Class G Spirit of Brooklands Post-war (cars that might have raced at Brooklands 1945-1975)
Class H ‘All Things Silver’ – A Celebration of 25 Years of Brooklands Museum
Spectator Tickets (each day) will be available via Brooklands at the normal Museum admission prices of £11 for adults, £10 for Seniors and Students, £6 for Children (aged 5-16) and £30 for a Family ticket admitting 2 adults and up to 3 children.
The Concorde Experience is £5 for adults and £3 for children, and rides in the 4D Theatre, including the Napier-Railton Experience, are £4 for adults and £2 for children.
Visit the Double Twelve pages of the Brooklands Musuem website (www.brooklandsmuseum.com) for more information.
Facilities info: Refreshments • Bar • Toilets • Picnic Area • Evening Entertainment • Regalia
Spectator info: Open to Public • No Dogs • Parking • Advance Booking • Regalia • Vintage Parking
The Concorde Experience is £5 for adults and £3 for children, and rides in the 4D Theatre, including the Napier-Railton Experience, are £4 for adults and £2 for children.
Visit the Double Twelve pages of the Brooklands Musuem website (www.brooklandsmuseum.com) for more information.
Facilities info: Refreshments • Bar • Toilets • Picnic Area • Evening Entertainment • Regalia
Spectator info: Open to Public • No Dogs • Parking • Advance Booking • Regalia • Vintage Parking
Entry Fee: £120.00
Driving Tests: £40 (or £20 if entering the Speed Trials)
Concours: £40 (or £20 if entering the Speed Trials or Driving Tests)
Opening Date for Entries: NOW Closing Date for Entries: Monday 6 June (midday)
Download the 2016 Double Twelve Festival Entry Information pack via the link below, which includes an Entry Form to print, complete and return to the VSCC Office (post/email/fax accepted), allowing you to enter your car for any two of the three competitive events on one form.
Alternatively, VSCC Members can enter online for each of the individual events via the 'Enter Event' tab above or at the relevant event page link below (remember you will need to know the Buff Form number of the car you wish to enter and have a current payment card registered with the Club to use the online entry facility):
CLICK HERE for the Double Twelve Driving Tests event page
CLICK HERE for the Double Twelve Concours event page
Edwardian • Vintage • Post-vintage • Historic • Shared Entries • Trailers • MSA Non-Race National B • Fire Extinguisher • Gloves
To view Competitors' Instructions view here
Selection Criteria for Event Entries can been seen here:
Driving Tests: £40 (or £20 if entering the Speed Trials)
Concours: £40 (or £20 if entering the Speed Trials or Driving Tests)
Opening Date for Entries: NOW Closing Date for Entries: Monday 6 June (midday)
Download the 2016 Double Twelve Festival Entry Information pack via the link below, which includes an Entry Form to print, complete and return to the VSCC Office (post/email/fax accepted), allowing you to enter your car for any two of the three competitive events on one form.
Alternatively, VSCC Members can enter online for each of the individual events via the 'Enter Event' tab above or at the relevant event page link below (remember you will need to know the Buff Form number of the car you wish to enter and have a current payment card registered with the Club to use the online entry facility):
CLICK HERE for the Double Twelve Driving Tests event page
CLICK HERE for the Double Twelve Concours event page
Edwardian • Vintage • Post-vintage • Historic • Shared Entries • Trailers • MSA Non-Race National B • Fire Extinguisher • Gloves
To view Competitors' Instructions view here
Selection Criteria for Event Entries can been seen here:
This page shows the named trophies awarded at this meeting and the associated aggregate trophies.
To see the index for all trophies click here
To see the current leaders for this year's aggregate championship click here
To see your personal results click here
Click a trophy name below to see the trophy picture and past winners.
Brooklands Museum is located between Weybridge and Byfleet, just a few minutes from Junction 10 of the M25 and the A3 London-Portsmouth trunk road.
Please volunteer to the Competition Department on 01608 644777 ext 4 or email callum.pharo@vscc.co.uk
To view Marshals' Instructions click here
To view Marshals' Instructions click here
The entry list is only available to logged in members.