The VSCC Library

As well as a comprehensive collection of books, it contains full or near-full runs of the major motoring magazines, plus technical information leaflets, handbooks and owner’s manuals, videos, DVDs, and much more. Most of the magazine indexes are held on-line and can rapidly be searched for particular references. There is also a large photo archive of around 50,000 images which is currently being catalogued, and which will be available to Members on-line. Volunteer Librarians are in attendance every Wednesday to assist visitors. Visits on other days can be arranged. Queries via e-mail, phone, or letter are dealt with promptly and replies can include scanned or photocopied text and pictures. Members are invited to contact the Librarians directly – details are in the Newsletter each month – and non-members are welcome to make contact via this website. Visitors who simply want to browse are very welcome.