Annabel Jones


Annabel Jones

A member since childhood and active competitor, predominantly in her Frazer Nash, Vauxhall 30-98, and Austin 7, Annabel’s name is on many of the Club's major Trophies; from the John Rowley to the Lycett Memorial. She currently chairs the Rally, Tours and Driving Tests Sub-Committee and sits on the Finance Sub-Committee. She will bring to the Board her experience as Frazer Nash Car Club Captain, LC&ES Competition Secretary and member of the VSCC Committee from 2005 to 2010, as well as that of competing with other clubs and organisations in the UK and overseas.

Away from the car world, Annabel has had a successful business career – with Oxford, Harvard Business School and McKinsey on her CV. She is now Finance Director for the printing company founded by her grandfather (also a competitive Frazer Nash driver). Annabel wants to ensure that the VSCC continues to be a club for all of its members; run efficiently and transparently, providing good value events for all our cars. She believes that the Club needs to adapt to the challenges of the 21st century and bring in new members while preserving its spirit and traditions, so that the next generation can enjoy the same VSCC of which she considers herself privileged to be a member.